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We advocate for policies and legislation that will benefit New Jersey's environment

Our Advocacy Work

The SJLWT often advocates for legislation that is beneficial to the natural environment, and against legislature that is detrimental to it. SJLWT advocates with our New Jersey environmental nonprofit partners to promote public policies and practices that will protect the environment and its inhabitants. This may involve public education and outreach as well as submission of public statements through written or verbal testimony to legislative and policy making agencies. Most recently, Trust staff documented and photographed damaged sites within the Pinelands. As a consequence, the Trust has advocated for Wharton State Forest’s Motorized Access Plan, or MAP. This plan would significantly reduce the irreparable vernal pool and protected habitat damage caused by illegal off-road vehicle use. You can learn more about the problems, the Wharton MAP. and how you can help by visiting our friends at Pinelands Preservation Alliance.

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