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Land Conservation Programs

From preserving land to hosting cleanups, we work hard to preserve, protect, and restore natural lands around New Jersey

Open Space Preservation

The South Jersey Land & Water Trust works with municipalities to preserve open space, which can be used as parks, playgrounds and protected habitats for threatened species. The most recent preservation success story is Tall Pines State Preserve, a 112-acre former golf course, which was preserved using matching funds from the NJ Green Acres fund. This property became the first state park in Gloucester County. Click Here to see all of our preserved properties. 

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Farmland Preservation

The South Jersey Land & Water Trust works to preserve farmland in South Jersey for a multitude of reasons, one of which is to ensure that family farms are not developed into subdivisions.  Farmland is also important habitat for various species of birds to nest or hunt. Since the organization’s creation, over 1,000 acres of farmland have been preserved.


Every month, SJLWT conducts at least one cleanup in a park, preserved open space, or waterway throughout South Jersey. These cleanups are open for any individual, family, or civic group to volunteer, and are often followed by a Nature Walk or macroinvertebrate assessment. Gloves, trash bags and trash grabbers are provided. Cleanups are always free events, and are open to children under 16 as long as a parent accompanies them. See our Events Page for the next scheduled cleanup.


SJLWT has served as the Clean Communities Stewardship Coordinator for Camden County for the past 10 years, with staff conducting cleanups and monitoring conditions in all County parks and preserved open space.  Most recently, SJLWT has been working frequently in the Cramer Hill Preserve that borders the Delaware River in Camden, conducting cleanups and monitoring the bald eagle nest in that area.


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Habitat Restoration

One of SJLWT’s current projects involves protecting populations of Swamp Pink, which is a species of lily that has become endangered due to habitat loss and the fact that it becomes “deer salad” in the winter. Nearly 75% of the world’s remaining Swamp Pink populations occur in South Jersey, so it is very important to protect this species while we still can. To prevent deer from browsing, SJLWT and volunteers have constructed fences and cages around the plants in two South Jersey locations and monitor the plants regularly.

South Jersey Land & Water Trust
21 Main Street/Auburn-Pointers Rd.,

Auburn, NJ 08085

Tel: 856-376-3622

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